Sebatas corat-coret dari tangan seorang manusia

Streaming Kondisi Matahari dan Aurora di Kutup Utara Bumi

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(*_*) Streaming Solar Activity and Moving Aurora (*_*)


Solar Activity AnimatedAbout This Solar Activity Animated

This is the latest 48 hours of Solar Activity Animated. May load slowly.

This real-time movie, which shows the most recent 48 hours of solar activity,
is updated every hour if satellite communications permit. The image is generated by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft.

The image shows magnetic activity in the Sun's corona.
The most prominent features are usually the coronal streamers, nearly radial bands streaming outward.

Occasionally, the Sun belches a giant
coronal mass ejection, an explosion of charged particles that unfurl as they area hurled into space.

The inner solar corona is seen up to 8.4 million kilometers (5.25 million miles) away from the Sun.
The corona is the Sun's outer atmosphere, where the density of matter is low but temperatures are high. (For more, see Space Weather 101.)
-- Robert Roy Britt

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Moving Aurora Activity
About This Aurora Image
This image is updated every 10 minutes,
Charged particles streaming from the Sun excite oxygen and nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere to create the
aurora borealis, or Northern Lights.
The same condition creates the aurora australis, or Southern Lights.
This image shows the current extent and position of auroral activity in the northern hemisphere, based on measurements taken during the most recent polar pass of the NOAA POES satellite.
The images gives a guide to the possibility that the aurora is located near a given location, activity that may or may not be visible from the surface. Auroral activity is related to the power flux shown in the image, with yellow, orange and red indicating higher levels.
Black areas represent regions where no satellite data was collected. The red arrow points toward local Noon -- directly at the Sun. Note that auroras are very difficult to predict. They are often only seen near the poles, but sometimes during a strong storm, with little warning, t
the Northern Lights can be visible as far south as Texas.
-- Robert Roy Britt

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